Frequently Asked Questions. Updated 29/5/2019

These FAQs are designed to give a general overview of the service that Check-able and check-able.com provide. They are also intended to form part of our Terms and Conditions.

What Checks do check-able do on drivers?
All drivers are subject to three basic tests when signing up with Check-able
    • When a driver signs up to Check-able they are asked to provide two documents, one of which must be a photo ID. These documents are then checked, against each other and against other data which the driver has provided and entered into the Check-able website. The documents are then checked by Check-able Adminstrators. Any company that take the driver on are then able to view the status of these documents. Check-able recommend that these documents are regularly updated. The drivers company is informed if these documents go out of date.
    • Check-able also ask that drivers verify their email address and mobile phone number. This is done via an automated system built into the Check-able website. Once this is completed the drivers contact details are marked as verified on the drivers ID card.
  • Insurance
    • Once a driver signs up with Check-able they are able to ‘connect’ to a company. The company then confirms that the driver is on their dashboard (so assocaited to that company) and also whether the driver is using the companies insurance or the drivers own insurance. Details of the drivers insurance are then displayed on the drivers ID card
  • Driving License
    • Once a driver signs up to Check-able they are asked to upload a copy of their driving license and a DVLA ‘check code’. A member of Check-ables Admin team will then check the drivers license against the DVLA databse and against other data that the driver has submitted to the Check-able website. Once this has been done the drivers license will show as verified on the drivres ID card.

Drivers will also agree to a 'code of conduct' before they are able to become approved.

Drivers will be able to display a check-able ‘ID card’, which can be displayed on their smart phone, along with the time and date the ID card was generated. This ‘ID card’ will show other users a photo of the driver, the drivers name, the company he / she works for, whther his / her licence is verified, whether his /her contact details are verified and the level of insureance the driver has. We also recommend that the details are checked on the check-able system before handing the keys over.

Important: We do not guarantee that (i) any ID or evidence provided by the drivers is genuine or (ii) that the person using the account is the same person as the ID or evidence belongs to. Both of these topics are outside our capability to verify

The information contained on the check-able website is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should solely rely upon in your decision making process, but purely as information that in conjunction with other checks and factors will help you to make an informed decision. Although Check-able makes reasonable efforts to update the information on the Website, please note that the content contained on the Website may be out of date at any given time and Check-able are under no obligation to update it.
What Checks do Check-able do on Logistics companies?
When a company signs up to the Check-able system they will be subject to several checks.
  • The Check-able system verifies the companies email address
  • The Companies phone number is manually verified by Check-able admin staff
  • The Companies address is manually verified by Check-able admin staff
  • The Company is requested (when signing up) to provide a copy of their road risk insurance. This is then checked by Check-able admin staff.

Once the above checks have been satisfactorily completed the companies account is manually approved by Check-able admin staff

What Checks do Check-able do on dealerships?
Currently dealerships (and end users) are not required to have an account with Check-able. They can leave a driver for a review so long as they have the drivers Check-able ID number and surname. At the time of writing we do not check the validity of a dealer or end user other than by spot checks that we carry out on reviews that are left for drivers.
Who is responsible for updating checks on drivers?
It is up to the driver or the logistics company to ensure that the driver’s checks are kept up to date. Check-able recommend a period of not more than 3 months between verifications and will highlight any drivers who have not had the required basic checks carried out in the last 3 months.
Who is responsible for updating checks on Logistics companies?
Check-able aim perform an annual check on a logistics company and will update their records accordingly upon request – but it is the responsibility of anyone wishing to use the logistics company to see when the check was last actually performed. Check-able are reliant on the logistics companies to provide certain information to allow the checks to take place.
How does your feedback process work?
Check-able believe that feedback in the form of reviews is the best way to monitor drivers. This feedback is shared between the driver, logistics companies and users. It is intended to highlight both positives and negatives with the overall goal of helping everyone in the industry to provide a higher level service. Drivers reviews will mainly be from 3 sources
  • Dealerships
    • A dealer can leave a review for the driver so long as the dealer has the drivers check-able ID and surname. The driver will be informed of the review and will be able to view it. Logistics companies and other dealers will also have the ability to view this information
  • End Users
    • An end user can leave a review for the driver so long as the user has the drivers check-able ID and surname. The driver will be informed of the review and will be able to view it. Logistics companies and other dealers will also have the ability to view this information
  • Logistics companies / Employers
    • A logistics company can leave a review for a driver at anytime up to and including his / her 'retirement' date. The driver will be informed of the review and will be able to view it. Logistics companies and other dealers will also have the ability to view this information

It should be noted at this point that the requirements for leaving a review are that the reviewer has the drivers check-able ID and surname. We actively encourage drivers to request reviews from collection and delivery points and also from the current and previous ‘employers’. We aim to check all reviews as soon possible, and publish them (or not) within a reasonable time frame. If we consider a review is not genuine, untrue, or unfair we may take action such as removing the review pending investigation. If a review is deemed to be (or suspected of being) a fake review we may remove it and we may take action directly against the driver.

All compliant reviews will be published. Reviews are checked by Check-able, and we aim to be as fair as possible when deciding to publish a review. While we will read all reviews before publishing them but we cannot guarantee that 100% of reviews are thoroughly checked. The driver will have the option to challenge a review. We ask that all reviews are accurate, factual and where ever possible have documentary evidence to support them, if it is rqeuired, as without this we may not be able to uphold the review if it is challenged. Check-able reserve the right to edit comments in order to aid clarity, length, spelling, profanity and accuracy.

Any reviews that contain racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic, insulting, rude, threatening or otherwise objectionable, or irrational comments will be removed as soon as is reasonably practicable after we become aware of them.

Reviews can never be submitted anonymously. Check-able will always require that anyone leaving a review leaves their contact details. These details will be accessible to Check-able admin staff However, we will never publish details of the source of a review on the check-able website, unless you include those details in the body of the review.
How does a challenged review work?
If a driver challenges a review check-able will contact both the driver and the reviewer and will listen to both sides in order to come to a decision on whether or not to uphold the review. In doing so, we will do our best to be fair and balanced between both parties. Upon making this decision both parties will be informed. The process and reasons will be documented and saved for future reference. If legal action is undertaken by either party against (or involving) the other party then our decision may be amended (if appropriate) when we are provided with details of the court’s decision.
Do you guarantee the quality of your members’ work?
No. Check-able is an independent platform and as such we cannot make any guarantees of work carried out by drivers or logistics companies. As a platform we intend to provide relevant information to relevant parties in order to help those parties make informed decisions and contribute to that decision making process. We do not intend that checkable be the sole provider of information that may lead up to a decision being made, nor can we guarantee that the information provided on check-able is completely accurate or 'in date'.

We do guarantee that all compliant feedback will be published, both good and bad, and that we will fairly assess any challenges that may be made to a review

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